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Coffees Around Town

Sometimes it's nice to meet people who live in your neighborhood. That's why we've got AIWC Neighborhood Coffees. All members are welcome to join if they're in the area.

Scroll down to find more information about where our coffees meet.

Welcome Coffee

Are you new to Geneva or interested in learning about the AIWC? We invite you to attend our next monthly Welcome Coffee.  These casual events are a great way to learn more about the AIWC's more than 40 activities, special events, excursions and community service projects. Children are always welcome!

New Members Coffee

This get-together is for our new members and anyone who might have questions about how the Club works. We'll explain the calendar, how to register for activities and events, how to cancel a registration for an activity or event, search for a member in the directory, and subscribe to activity updates. More information will be provided about the Link Ladies, an amazing resource at the Club that partners new members with long time members. 

Right Bank Coffee

When you're out on the lake and look down toward the Rhone, the ride side is considered Rive Droit where these coffees are held at different cafés each month.

Carouge and Friends 

Care to meet people in the Carouge area, or explore different areas? You are welcome to join our Carouge Coffee.

Left Bank Coffee in Vésenaz

Our left bank leaves the city to serve those living in the area of Vésenaz. Taking public transportation or the bike is easy to this village so all members are welcome.

Old Town/Champel Coffee

This group has a huge selection of beautiful cafés to choose from. Keep an eye out on the Hotline for where they will be meeting this month.

Tuesdays Together

Join us for a coffee at our very own Club Café. Each month we discuss, share information and learn about new events and topics. For example, public transport tips, nearby travel destinations, medical advice, Geneva charities, etc. We meet the 1st Tuesday (morning) each month.


AIWC Clubrooms

Route de Chêne 11

1207 Geneva

Route de Chêne 11

1207 Geneva

Office Hours



Closed on Swiss Holidays and two weeks around Christmas and New Year's.

Contact Us

022 736 01 20


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