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  • Monday Adventure Hiking

Monday Adventure Hiking

  • Monday, May 08, 2023
  • 09:15


CANCELLED: Leader is has a chest cold and does not have the energy to lead the hike.

This Monday's Adventure hike is at the L'Areuse Gorge in the canton of Neuchatel. The hike is 11 kilometers long / 146 vm up / 383 vm down. Actual hiking time is a bit less than 3 hours but that does not take into consideration photos, picnic lunch and anyone who might be a bit slow..

The train ride is 1hr47 to Noirague, leaving at 9:15. . For more information check out this link. Two sets of poles and hiking boots are necessary because it can be slippery and rocky. Be aware that there are two areas where members in the past have had difficulties with the heights while crossing a bridge and going down stairs.

Registration is required by Sunday by noon in order to see if we have enough people registered. Remember to hit confirm or your registration will not go through. Once you register, a confirmation email will be sent to you .

Questions?? Email : aiwcmondayadventures@gmail.com

Check the  Activities Update for details of this week's adventure and subscribe to receive hiking notification emails in your inbox. In your profile, select to receive notification emails immediately.

Swiss Federal and Cantonal regulations will always be followed.

General Information and Guidelines: updated 29, October  2020

  1. Children and pets are not allowed on hikes.
  2. Hikes are 3+ hours and  an all day commitment is necessary in order to participate. 
  3. Hikes are generally outside the canton of Geneva  and are mostly reached using public transport. 
  4. Hikes are led by volunteer leaders who will supply all the necessary information  about the hike on the AIWC Forum..
  5. Hikers are responsible for wearing appropriate clothing and shoes and for bringing all necessary equipment and supplies, particularly water and snacks.
  6. Participants are responsible for their own safety and wellbeing and must follow the instructions provided by hike leaders.
  7. The AIWC declines responsibility for the loss of personal property.

AIWC Clubrooms

Route de ChĂȘne 11

1207 Geneva 

Office Hours

Mon - Thurs


Closed on Swiss Holidays, the first two weeks in August, and two weeks around Christmas and New Year.

Contact Us

Tel: 022 736 01 20


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